April 24th   Leave a comment

There was a good passage of seabirds past Crail first thing this morning. Flocks of common scoters, red-throated divers in ones and twos and the first flock of arctic terns of the year all moving east. When I say east I am being literal. The birds are all heading north and as soon as they pass Crail and Fife Ness they will change direction. That’s why sitting at the tip of Fife Ness is so good. The seabirds sometimes even cut the corner trying to get back on their intended direction past the diversion of Fife. You can enjoy their impatience as they pass just a few meters away instead of kilometres away.

Red-throated divers moving north

Red-throated divers moving north

Posted April 25, 2014 by wildcrail in Sightings

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